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Intelligent Automation Weekly Briefing

Keep up to date on the latest news and insights on intelligent automation, digital transformation and enterprise AI.

 Intelligent Automation Weekly Briefing
Trusted by leading organisations to drive digital transformation

Your weekly briefing on intelligent automation news, research and opinion

The world of intelligent automation is constantly evolving.

An emergent field, leaders of business change and digital transformation face uncertainty in knowing what technologies will deliver strong ROI and continuous improvement.

Machine learning, natural language processing and automation technologies can deliver transformational benefits for an enterprise, but only when they are guided by the right strategies of integration and end-to-end process optimisation.

Re:Infer’s Intelligent Automation Weekly Briefing combines the latest opinion, analysis and news in the areas of AI, automation and digital transformation. It’s helping hundreds of intelligent automation leaders keep up to date on the most important trends, and formulate their own strategies for business transformation.

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Recognitions and achievements

Logo HFS

HFS Hot Vendor

Enterprise & Machine Learning Platform 2021.

Logo Gartner Cool Vendor

Gartner Cool Vendor

Conversational & Natural Language Technologies.

Logo IDC

IDC Awards

IDC Innovation with AI Award Winner.

Logo NeurIPS


Research published in hundreds of leading ML journals including NeurIPS.

Build intelligent products, services
and workflows

Increase operational scalability and optimise the customer experience with Re:infer’s Conversational Data Intelligence Platform.